sábado, 15 febrero, 2025
InicioEspectáculosCómo era la serie que David Lynch planeaba hacer para Netflix

Cómo era la serie que David Lynch planeaba hacer para Netflix

Ted Sarando dio detalles de la serie que el fallecido director había propuesto a la plataforma de streaming.

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David Lynch falleció a los 78 años.

El codirector ejecutivo de Netflix, Ted Sarandos, ha revelado que, antes de su muerte el 15 de enero a los 78 años, David Lynch había estado trabajando en una serie limitada para el servicio de streaming.

La muerte del creador de Twin Peaks fue anunciada el jueves (16 de enero) por su familia, que afirmó que se había visto «obligado a mudarse de su casa» debido a los incendios forestales de Los Ángeles. Tenía 78 años.

Qué dijo Ted Sarandos de Netflix sobre la serie que iba a hacer David Lynch

Sarandos ha recurrido a Instagram para rendir homenaje al cineasta, hablando de sus colaboraciones con Netflix y de la popularidad de sus películas entre los clientes desde sus inicios como servicio de envío de DVD por correo. También habló de un proyecto que les había presentado y que entusiasmó a la empresa.

Sarandos escribió: “Vino a Netflix para proponer una miniserie y nos encantó. Era una producción de David Lynch, llena de misterio y riesgos, pero queríamos emprender este viaje creativo con este genio”.

Continuó diciendo: “David Lynch era un genio sin complejos. No quería que entendiéramos su obra. Sabía que eso era imposible y era parte del camino que debíamos recorrer juntos”.

Embed – Ted Sarandos on Instagram: «In my earliest days at Netflix, when we were only mailing DVDs around the United States- I had the most amazing experience meeting one of my all time favorite film makers in his home. We tried to stock every movie on DVD, but one of my favorite movies, “Eraserhead,” was not commercially available. I reached out to David and asked for a meeting and at his dining room table we agreed to a bulk buy of “Eraserhead” and for Netflix to produce a DVD of all of his visionary short films. After we agreed to make this happen, David gave me a tour of the house and his art. Then he asked if I would like to take a look at an early cut of his next film. I thought he meant some scenes. He brought me to his screening room and ran a nearly 3 hour cut of “Mullholand Drive.” I hadn’t planned on being there all day but was amazed to be in David Lynch’s home and in his screening room watching his yet to be released new film. About 2 hours in, I realized that he had left. I watched the rest of the film and let myself out. David and I only spoke on a few occasions after that but years later, he came into Netflix to pitch a limited series which we jumped at. It was a David Lynch production, so filled with mystery and risks but we wanted to go on this creative ride with this genius. First Covid, then some health uncertainties lead to this project never being produced but we made it clear that as soon as he was able, we were all in. The last time I spoke to David was as thrilling as the first. He came to my home with my friend and his muse, Laura Dern and we had a long amazing conversation about projects, cinema, life, art and my windows (He loved my windows). David Lynch was an unapologetic genius. He didn’t want you to understand his work. He knew that was impossible and it was part of the ride together. His body of work is remarkable, visionary, bold and artful. I will always wonder about what he had in mind for us with what would have been his last project.»

Durante su carrera, Lynch dirigió 12 largometrajes y creó el programa de culto Twin Peaks, junto con su continuación Twin Peaks: The Return.

Fue nominado a cuatro premios Óscar y ocho premios Emmy, y recibió el Premio Honorífico de la Academia durante la temporada de los Óscar de 2019. Entre sus obras más celebradas se incluyen El hombre elefante, Blue Velvet y Mulholland Drive.

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